Fine Alpine Art

History of the Alps

Dive into the depths of time with fascinating stories that weave together the Alps' rich past, revealing illustrious figures, cultural epics and the evolving links between the world of men and the mountains.

38 articles
John Ruskin - Writer, poet and painter closely linked to the Alps
History of the Alps

John Ruskin - Writer, poet and painter closely linked to the Alps

The life of John Ruskin (1819-1900), British writer, poet, art critic and painter, is closely linked to the Alps. A great traveller who visited the continent on numerous occasions, particularly Switzerland and Italy, he first saw the Alps from Schaffhausen, on his first trip to Switzerland in 1833, when he was 14. It was an instant revelation. His love of the mountains would never leave him, and more than anywhere else, it was in the mountains that Ruskin felt truly at home, as he wrote on July 24, 1845...
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History of Mountain Photography
History of the Alps, Photographs of the Alps

A History of Mountain Photography

The relationship between photography and the mountains goes back almost as far as the invention of the former: as early as 1844, the French government commissioned two scientists, Bravais and Martens, to investigate the possibility of photographing in hostile environments, and chose to send them to Chamonix. Joseph-Philibert Girault de Pranget (1804-1892) and John Ruskin (1819-1900) were pioneers in this respect, and the latter boasted of having taken the first photograph of the Matterhorn (or indeed of any mountain) in August 1849. But it also met with rapid success: the general public ...
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Discover Thomas Crauwels

Modern romantic artist, Thomas Crauwels has a recognized and distinctive style that has won numerous Swiss and international awards.
Between Beauty, Majesty and Purity : Thomas Crauwels invites us on a grandiose, authentic journey to meet the giants of snow and ice that have moved him. A conduit for emotions, halfway between two worlds: his works elevate us.
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Thomas Crauwels

Thomas Crauwels

I usually respond very quickly when I have a network.

I will be back soon

Thomas Crauwels
Hello, I'll be happy to answer your questions.