Crans Montana
Thomas Crauwelsin his relentless quest to capture the essence of the high mountains, presents his gallery dedicated to Crans-Montana, the pearl of the Valais Alps. This unique location, perched at an altitude of almost 1,500 metres, reveals itself through his lens as a majestic balcony overlooking the surrounding peaks. The mountains, visible from Crans-Montana, rise up in their unchanging splendor, offering a spectacle of natural beauty that defies time and the seasons.
Through his photographs, Thomas Crauwels captures not only the grandeur of the peaks and ridges that stretch to the horizon, but also the unique light that bathes this plateau, revealing nuances and textures that enchant the eye. Under his eye, Crans-Montana becomes more than a ski resort; it's a jewel case that embraces the imperial crown of Zinal all the way to the distant Mont Blanc.
Each work in this gallery is an invitation to explore summits from a fresh perspective, where beauty and elevation unite in perfect harmony.