Verbierthe starting point for Thomas Crauwelss explorations, becomes the prelude to a journey to the giants of the Valais Alps. It's not so much the village itself that captures Thomas, but rather the bewitching peaks that tower above it.
The Grand Combin, the Plateau du Trient and the slender silhouette of the Tour Noir are revealed under his artistic gaze. Through his explorations, Mont Dolent, the Aiguille du Croissant and the majestic Aiguilles Rouges atArolla come to life, evoking an almost spiritual proximity to the celestial realm. Verbier is transformed into a stage on which the grandiose spectacle of nature is played out, with the Matterhorn in the background and the Bec des Rosses silently watching.
Each of Thomas 's works is an invitation to rediscover these summits, witnesses to grandeur and ephemerality, captured in the eternity of an instant.