Glide and Contemplation
About the work
A few weeks later, I joined mountain guides Johann Filliez and Antoine Délitroz in the Bernese peaks. The time had come to bring the work to life. We waited for the winds to die down, giving the avalanches time to roll down the bleached mountain slopes. Then, at daybreak, Johann Filliez and Antoine Délitroz set off on skis under the Fieschergrat. In the early morning sunshine, they skied the Walliser Fiescherfirn together. On difficult snow, they pulled off a feat that brought this grandiose, fairytale picture to life. See how tiny these seasoned men are.
See how they glide on the surface of the immensity while the mountain rises unshaken. And as I watch them fly over the ice, I'm reminded of my ascent of the Fiescherhorn. Of that fantastic descent to the Finsteraarhornhütte that I know will be etched in my memory forever. Today, I pass on these intense emotions to you through my art. And beyond the deep, luminous shadows that caress the mountains, I offer you one of my most beautiful portraits of the Finsteraarhorn.
print art
Limited Edition
Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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