Anniviers Valley
Dawn over the Giants
About the work
The first rays of sunlight illuminate the north face of the most beautiful summits in the Valais Alps. In the summer of 2020, an unexpected cold snap hit the region. I'd been waiting for this moment for so many years. When I heard that snow was forecast, I watched the weather every day. As I happily watched the snow cover more and more of the mountain, I knew that a unique moment had arrived. That perfect moment when the elements merge to adorn the mountain in its most beautiful finery. On the lookout for the masterpieces that nature creates, I have to be there to offer them eternity. This photograph of the Dent d'HérensDent Blanche and Grand Cornier is a poignant testimony to the landscapes of yesteryear. When the mountains remained white all year round. The sight is now as fleeting as the memory of their former glory.
I love the majestic silhouette of these summits. I love the splendor of their last glaciers. It was they who inspired me to become a photographer of the Alps. The ambassador of this marvellous world where rock and ice unite with sky like a hymn to the beauty of the world. I love the intense whiteness that illuminates photography. The contrasts Soft reveal the many details that can be seen in this large-format work. This portrait of the mountains seems alive and evolves according to the lighting and our state of mind. Through this grandiose panorama of the Valais Alps, I'm delighted to take you on a journey to val d’Anniviers, where you'll encounter nature as wild as it is sumptuous.

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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