The Awakening of the Elements
About the work
I took this photograph during the filming of the "Altitudes" radio program hosted by Simon Matthey-Doret. Our initial plan to descend the Schwarztor was cancelled due to poor snow conditions. So we headed for the foot of the Gornergletscher. I had high hopes that the mountains would reveal themselves as I like them. With their power. But summits, strangely clear, defied the expression of my art. So we headed for the Mont-Rose hut. And then the magic happened. The storm broke. The clouds broke and the wind began its wild ballet. At that moment, I grabbed my camera. The mountain revealed its grace and raw strength.
Through the tumultuous clouds, I captured the splendor of Lyskamm. Abyssal crevasses and suspended seracs reveal their fragility. This contrast lies at the heart of my work: a universe as majestic as it is vulnerable to the onslaught of climate change. It is this poignant message that I wish to convey through my art.

Details & Personalizing the artwork

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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