Alignment of the stars
About the work
I took this portrait of the Matterhorn in the first light of spring 2024. The storm is still raging in the Italian Alps when the Matterhorn is suddenly reborn from nothing. Clouds cling relentlessly to the snow-covered rock. They give the mountain a new silhouette, dancing and magisterial. And when the echo of the Alps resounds in the sky, the moon responds with an enchanting wave. The stars align, as close as possible to the stars. What are we, then, in the face of such grandeur? Miniscule creatures with an ambition beyond measure.
In this work, the mountain is still smoking. That's how I find it beautiful. Exuding life, with a mad ardor. The Matterhorn, my muse, embodies the grandeur of the Alps. At summit, every day is unique, every moment precious. In every season, I feel captured by the incessant metamorphosis of a mountain at the whim of the winds. Each photograph of the Matterhorn is an opportunity for me to rediscover it. I like to gaze at it, imagining myself at its summit, drunk with happiness as much as fatigue. I like to reveal its unshakeable strength, the brilliance of its beauty, the purity of its soul. To capture for you the essence of the Matterhorn and pass it on to you, moving and eternal.

Details & Personalizing the artwork

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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