Massif des Mischabels
Guardian of the border between Saas Fee and Zermatt
About the work
This incredible viewpoint blends the valleys of Zermatt and Saas Fee, which seem to unite to form a single rock wall. It captures the gigantic natural fortress that these massifs represent, separating Switzerland from Italy.
In this photograph, taken on a spring morning after a snowstorm, perspectives are turned upside down. The play of light and shadow enhances the graphics of summits. They offer a special, enhanced dimension to the famous Swiss mountains. These heights, all different from one another yet blending so harmoniously, emerge from a sea of clouds that, by hiding the valleys, enhances their magnificence. It took me time and patience to capture this perfect moment, a reflection of the majestic power of nature all around us.

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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