Ober Gabelhorn
Alpine silhouettes
About the work
This is the first photograph I've taken of this perfect Valais pyramid. Taken on an autumn day in 2013, it brings back memories of a time when mountaineering was still for me a distant and unknown world, full of mysteries... a time in my life when the simple fact of observing the tiny black silhouettes, lost in the immensity of the white, of these conquerors of the useless rising valiantly towards their objective, aroused in me admiration and fascination. The presence of a few clouds hugging the pure lines of the mountain seemed to me to have incredible poetic power: a vision of perfect communion between heaven and earth. A transcendent scene for the photographer; an anguished signal of the need to return for the seasoned mountaineer: when the skies are troubled, Men leave the realm of the Gods.
It was when I later made this ascent that the mountain finally revealed itself in all its forms. What isObergabelhorn? sharp, graphic striations; pure, uncompromising lines; sheer crests; a mystical, bewitching, immaculately white north face that rises powerfully towards the heavens, contrasting with the black abysses of the rocky ridges.
Since then, the mountain has changed, fast. Conditions are no longer the same. The hanging glaciers and seracs have all but disappeared; a few black rocks have finally pierced the white armor of the face, the ice melting irreparably.

Details & Personalizing the artwork

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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