Shadow Of The Light
About the work
I took this photograph in autumn, when First snows had just covered summits. My rope-mates and I climbed the Oberaarhorn from the Grimsel Pass to the Oberaar hut. Before sunset, we prepared the route for our next ascent. Then, after a few hours' sleep, we left the Oberaarjochhütte while it was still dark, Next rigorously following our footprints in the fresh snow. Shortly before daybreak, we finally reached summit. Huddled in the shadows, we just had to wait. The cold was burning our skin and our hands were frozen. Until the sun came out and started to warm us up. The beauty of the landscape dawned on me and I was able to capture it. The rays of light brought the relief to life, filtered through the easternmost massifs. The mountains of Ticino, their sharp silhouettes rising out of the mist to meet the sky. Projections of light and shadow that endow the painting with incredible depth. The play of textures and materials reveals the personality of the mountains and valleys. The sun's rays guide our gaze from the Ticino region to the Oberaarhorn, letting our minds sail through the most beautiful landscapes in the Swiss Alps.

Details & Personalizing the artwork

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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