Ober Gabelhorn
About the work
To create this celestial portrait, I had to set off at night for a long walk across the snowy paths. It took me six long hours of effort to reach the viewpoint I was looking for. That day, several people had to turn back because the snow was falling so heavily. While I usually walk up the mountain in sneakers at this time of year, I had to put on skis to reach my destination. It was still June. But in the spring of 2016, the rainfall was particularly intense and brutal.
I was very lucky to be able to capture so much beauty. The weather conditions had to be just right. In this magnificent photograph, the imposing glacial face of the Obergabelhorn is enhanced by the exceptional quality of its snow cover. Preserved from the assaults of the wind, the snow clings to the walls, giving the mountain a Himalayan adornment with unparalleled pleating. This extreme purity of the mountain is, unfortunately, now only a distant memory. Each year, the snow gives way more and more to rocks, retreating from reliefs increasingly affected by global warming. The light veil of clouds, casting shadows on the mountain, finally gives it an incredible presence. This play of subdued light amplifies the mystical beauty and grandeur of this Alpine colossus.
In an instant, magical and unreal, all my efforts were rewarded. The moment I realized this view, I was aware of the importance of the spectacle nature was offering me. I knew it would become one of my finest works, so intense was the moment and so powerful was the connection with the mountain.

Details & Personalizing the artwork

print art

Prestige Edition 10

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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