L'Arête Magistrale
About the work
It snowed for three days at summit du Schreckhorn. Violent winds swept across its face, exposing the rock in places. To take this photograph of the mountain, I had to be there at the right time. When nature reveals itself in a new light, when the whitened rocks sparkle as the sun returns. The contrast has to be just right for the picture to take on its full dimension. Photographing the high mountains is therefore a constant challenge. It's a challenge I take up again and again. Have I positioned myself in the right spot? Do the forecasts predict enough snow or too much wind? More than once in every two years, I climb the mountain to find the exact spot that will allow me to create the work I had in mind. I wait patiently for nature to reveal its beauty. But just as the weather was supposed to clear, the forecast changed. And there I was, in the mist, without a glimpse of summits. I had to start all over again until my luck changed.
That day, bernese alps gave me their most beautiful face. The Schreckhorn appeared to me in that in-between moment when the clouds part, revealing an unreal spectacle. Between light and shadow, nature reinvents itself. The elements collide. And I must seize this moment to share it with you. A precious testimony to the beauty of the world above. Photography as a way of passing on the heritage of a universe that is beyond us, yet to which we are closely linked.

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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