Journey on the Arêtes
About the work
In this black-and-white photograph, I offer you everything I admire about the high mountains. These sumptuous flanks adorned with pure snow, these suspended glaciers thirsting for eternity. Along the ridges, the path takes shape, the dream comes to life. The journey leads us to the inaccessible, and we emerge grown, serene and happy.
I love that special autumn light when First snows sprinkle the rocks. I love it when light and shadow dance together on the summits. When, at dawn, they shape the peaks and endow them with power and depth. And then there's the cloud, a vaporous jewel that elevates the picture to the rank of masterpiece. What would the Weisshorn be without this diadem? I'd like to think that the mist here is delicate enough not to camouflage the hero of the day. Magnificent Weisshorn enjoying the light in the Valais sky.
Here, shapes are superimposed, planes follow one another. From a succession of ridges and steep flanks, the supreme mountain emerges in the Alps. Contemplating this work, you'll be intoxicated by a melody born of the mists of time. From shadow to light and always on the edge, you'll cross the peaks in search of the Weisshorn.

print art

Limited Edition

Certificate and Signature
suggestions from Thomas Crauwels
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